Non-GMO Beans: More People Are Talking
October 25, 2012
We attended the Soy and Grain Trade Summit in September and found the industry to be very active with many developments. One area that seemed to be a…
October 25, 2012
We attended the Soy and Grain Trade Summit in September and found the industry to be very active with many developments. One area that seemed to be a…
October 23, 2012
The feed industry is experiencing high ingredients cost due to the drought. The cost of corn quadrupled while soybeans and soybean meal cost at least double what it…
October 18, 2012
Recently the question of whether to extrude whole or ground soybeans has come up several times. So now is a good time to discuss the pros and cons…
October 16, 2012
The prospect of making a large capital investment is daunting for all businesses, regardless of size. There is inherent risk any time a business decides to devote a…
October 11, 2012
At its core, the extruder is a very simple machine. The various configurations of shaft speed, number of chambers and types of screws/steamlocks enables the operator to create…
October 9, 2012
As corn, wheat and soybean prices sky rocket, manufacturers of feed for retail are forced to increase their prices. Feed constitutes the main operational cost of all livestock,…
October 4, 2012
Nowadays it’s a real balancing act to keep the costs associated with a feed business down. Being competitive with input costs that change daily can drive you crazy.…
September 27, 2012
I received a correspondence from a practicing nutritionist and feed formulator wanting to verify the True Metabolizable Energy (TMEn) of an Extruded-Expelled soybean meal (ExPress® soybean meal) that…
September 25, 2012
DO prepare a Business Plan. Have it written, or at least checked, by a professional. It is easy to overlook key items, or include basic mistakes, that your…
September 20, 2012
A topic we come across often is the need, or want, for soybean dehulling. Dehulling (or decortication) is the process of removing the hull of a seed and…
September 18, 2012
In my last blog, I discussed the importance of defining “Where We Will Play” and “How We Will Win” when defining your strategic focus. Digging deeper into this approach…
September 13, 2012
In my previous blog post, I discussed two important parameters to monitor when pressing soybeans (moisture and steam extraction). Now, we will focus on the other two important…
September 11, 2012
There has been a continuous effort by the feed, the animal industry and food industry to eliminate (or at least reduce) the source of salmonella and other pathogens’…
September 6, 2012
We’ve already established three key variables which will determine the ultimate profitability of your feed processing plant: Feed formulation Raw material costs Market value of your output Today…
September 4, 2012
The New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition was born back in May at the G8 Summit. It joins a prestigious family of worthy initiatives, such as the…
August 30, 2012
An area sometimes overlooked within a plant is quality control. Quality control does not have to be limited to visual appearance only, though. It is easy to associate…
August 28, 2012
The process of pressing oil from soybeans appears at first glance to be a pretty simple process: you extrude the soybeans and run it through an oil press.…
August 23, 2012
Nigeria’s President, Goodluck Jonathan, is upbeat about the future of food production in his country, telling his compatriots “our future is bright”. He needs to be optimistic. Nigeria spends…