
TSP – High-Protein Recipes

Our focus on Textured Soy Protein processing has been on the nutritional & operational aspects of creating & consuming TSP. However, one question that may arise as a consumer is how can it be used?  Well, after soaked in liquid (water, broth, a marinade etc) it then can be added it to a meal as with an animal protein. With TSP from ExPress® flour, there is not a need to cover up the ‘beany’ taste like there is with solvent TSP because of the deactivated lipoxygenase, which makes it an ideal plant-based protein in any dish. Below are recipes that our employees enjoy creating.


Image of Chili with TSP
TSP Chili

  • Tomatoes
  • Veggie Broth
  • Black & Pinto Beans
  • ExPress® TSP
  • Chili Powder & other seasonings to taste

Read the more in-depth recipe HERE –


TSP Lasagna (Picture)

  • ExPress® TSP
  • Lasagna Noodles
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Tofu

Read the more in-depth recipe HERE –


jerk chicken rice bowls_hot for food
TSP Jerk Chicken Bowls

  • ExPress® TSP
  • Jerk Sauce
  • Rice
  • Pico de Gallo / Salsa
  • Tortilla Bowl

Read the more in-depth recipe HERE –


While these are just a few recipes, TSP has almost endless possibilities. A complete protein source that consumers can fully customize to their taste and make a delicious addition to any meal. Try one today!


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